I can show you how to incorporate free travel into your business, community or social media groups” – Sandy Colombo

If you’re a Coach, a Facilitator, a speaker or Travel Buff looking to travel and work, you’ve come to the right place.

After 30 years in travel, I know that travel is the one thing that everyone wants but many feel it is out of their reach or something for when they retire…

How? Nothing is FREE!

Nothing is for free. There are always strings attached, however, this is a way you can travel without being “cashed up” by utilising your networks!

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Valuable Business Conversations - Thumbnail - Group Tour Intro
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Could It Really Be Possible…

Why would I need to do an online program?

► Group Travel is a Specialty area

It’s just as easy to lose money on these tours than cover costs on any group travel

► Ensure you have more than 12 months lead time

The longer the lead time, the more likely your group will get off the ground.

► You do not know what you don’t know yet!

Travel is a complexed area and more so for group travel! There are a few specialists who really know what they are doing in group travel. 

Everything you need to know about Travel & Successful Group Tours!

My 15-Session online course will help you do just that!

The course consists of…


How to Run a Successful Group Tour

► Welcome Video

► Handouts for Session 1


Your Why

► Video Presentation for Session 2

► Handouts for Session 2

► Resource Documents (“Pink Donuts” & “The 6 Core Needs”)

► Resource Video – The VBC Summit 2019


Who’s on your Team?

► Video Presentation for Session 3

► Handouts for Session 3

► Resource Document (“The Four Agreements”)


Managing Your Expectations

► Video Presentation for Session 4

► Handouts for Session 4

► Resource Document (“What are you expecting?”)


Testing your Market: The TOTE Model

► Video Presentation for Session 5

► Handouts for Session 5

► Resources Video (“Leadership: The Dancing Nut””)


It is all in the planning… NOT

► Video Presentation for Session 6

► Handouts for Session 6


While it is not a guessing game… it is an educated guess

► Video Presentation for Session 7

► Handouts for Session 7

► Resource Documents (“Different Worlds”, “Sample Tour Program” & “Sample Cost Sheet”)


Dealing with Changes & Exchange Rates

► Video Presentation for Session 8

► Handouts for Session 8


Dealing with Difficult or Confusing Clients

► Video Presentation for Session 9

► Handouts for Session 9

► Resource Document (“Introduction to Service Excellence”)


The 10 Biggest Mistakes People Make when Taking a Tour Group

► Video Presentation for Session 10

► Handouts for Session 10

► Resource Document (“10 Mistakes in Group Travel”)


Payments & Final Documents

► Video Presentation for Session 11

► Handouts for Session 11

► Resource Documents (“Dietary Requirements Sample”, “List of Day Tours”, “Accomodation” & “Sample Final Itinerary)


What is a tour guide worth?

► Video Presentation for Session 12

► Handouts for Session 12


The Tour

► Video Presentation for Session 13

► Handouts for Session 13

► Resource Document (“CheckIn Sheet”)


The Learning

► Video Presentation for Session 14

► Handouts for Session 14

► Resource Documents (“Feedback Form Samples 1 & 2”)


Setting up your Tour Program

► Video Presentation for Session 15

► Handouts for Session 15

I want to make sure you have EVERY advantage possible, so you can have a prolific tour business and never again have to worry about what you do not know yet!

Access the program for 90 days!

It will offer you what service providers role is and how that can be of value to you and your business.

It will show you how to add your costs into the tour and give you guidelines to how to make your tour successful.

Frequently Asked Questions…

How long to I have access to this program?

You have access for 90 days.

Who is this program for?

This program is for coaches, educators, teachers, communities, not for profits, service industry and retail travel agents that want to take a group away for education retreat, summit or for any reason either domestically or internationally. To understand what gaps they may have over the process and to have a better understanding of what is needed to produce a successful group tour. It may be an incentive trip or an education program. It may be a new product where you can drive more profits into your business or it may be giving back to communities with fundraising.

What do I need to be able to complete this program?

You will need a good understanding of English, time to implement learnings and pen and paper to take notes. Resources can also be printed out and kept so you may need access to a printer.

Who is this program not for?

This program is not for people who are experts in group travel. It is about giving a structure on “how” to produce a successful group tour and learning around the possible risks and gaps for your business. It is not for group specialists or experts in group travel.

What will I learn during this program?

You will learn a procedure and a structure on “how” to run a successful group tour. It will offer you what service providers role is and how that can be of value to you and your business. It will show you how to add your costs into the tour and give you guidelines to how to make your tour successful.