What we do...
We Mentor.
Sandy Colombo and Dee Mills are leaders. They facilitate, coach, and mentor people – individual or group.
Both have collaborated with individuals who contribute to VBC’s goals of helping people all over the world with their businesses, thus The Academy is born.
We Share.
One of the ways we share is via “Zoominars” as what we call them, happens every week! We have special guests who talk about Valuable Business Conversations and teach us how to add more value to our businesses.
We hold these free webinars every Tuesday at 10AM Melbourne Time.
We Give Back.
Valuable Business Conversations holds a yearly event of giving back. Together with our clients and colleagues, we travel to our partner community in Cebu.
Learn more about our VBC Summit 2021 and how you, too, can be part of this special occasion!
Valuable Business Conversations
Save the Date.
Our Professional Development week in Cebu, is set for 15th August to 20th August 2021.
This is your opportunity to attend a 1 week summit that is filled with workshops to help you and your business grow. There will be time set aside to spend with your VA or if you don’t have one yet, you can check out the office.
We also will be visiting a business based in Cebu and spend time at a local primary school distributing much needed school supplies.
Learn more about our VBC Summit 2021 and how you, too, can be part of this special occasion! Click the button below to have a look at our VBC Summit!
Let’s Get Connected!
Email: veronica@valuablebusinessconversations.com.au